Manage and Deploy
This section contains the following topics:
Topic | Description |
Deployment and Scaling | Working deployment examples based on the advice provided to ClickHouse users by the ClickHouse Support and Services organization. |
Separation of Storage and Compute | Guide exploring how you can use ClickHouse and S3 to implement an architecture with separated storage and compute. |
Sizing and Hardware Recommendations | Guide discussing general recommendations regarding hardware, compute, memory, and disk configurations for open-source users. |
Configuring ClickHouse Keeper | Information and examples on how to configure ClickHouse Keeper. |
Network ports | List of network ports used by ClickHouse. |
Re-balancing Shards | Recommendations on re-balancing shards. |
Does ClickHouse support multi-region replication? | FAQ on multi-region replication. |
Which ClickHouse version to use in production? | FAQ on ClickHouse versions for production use. |
Cluster Discovery | Information and examples of ClickHouse's cluster discovery feature. |
Monitoring | Information on how you can monitor hardware resource utilization and server metrics of ClickHouse. |
Tracing ClickHouse with OpenTelemetry | Information on using OpenTelemetry with ClickHouse. |
Quotas | Information and examples on quotas in ClickHouse. |
Secured Communication with Zookeeper | Guide to setting up secured communication between ClickHouse and Zookeeper. |
Startup Scripts | Example of how to run startup scripts during startup, useful for migrations or automatic schema creation. |
External Disks for Storing Data | Information and examples on configuring external storage with ClickHouse. |
Allocation profiling | Information and examples on allocation sampling and profiling with jemalloc. |
Backup and Restore | Guide to backing up to a local disk or external storage. |
Caches | Explainer on the various cache types in ClickHouse. |
Workload scheduling | Explainer on workload scheduling in ClickHouse. |
Self-managed Upgrade | Guidelines on carrying out a self-managed upgrade. |
Troubleshooting | Assorted troubleshooting tips. |
Usage Recommendations | Assorted ClickHouse hardware and software usage recommendations. |
Distributed DDL | Explainer of the ON CLUSTER clause. |